A few things I don't like about individualized shops:
1. You won't know if the price is a good price. One person might be selling a rune for 10K while another is selling it for 20K.
2. You might need 150 silks, but the person only has 3 -- then you have to search from shop to shop to find the 147 more you need.
3. Spam will still continue: "CHECK OUT MY SHOP. I'M IN FRONT OF THE DYE TRADER." -- walking to the dye trader will reveal a large group of shops.
4. Shops most likely include players to be online to conduct business.
If shops ARE included, then please do not create a new image of an actual shop. They'll take up too much room. A small icon above their head (sort of like the green exclamation points) will suffice.
I'm still going to stand by with my Auction House vote. One that shows previous bids and only allows a certain amount of sales per person, so they won't flood the market and hold a monopoly on a certain item. The number of available should show up next to the item's name. Items should be organized by category: weapons, salvage items, crafting materials, miscellaneous. Then, within these categories, a drop-down menu to sort items: alphabetically (a-z and z-a), by Damage or Armor Level (low damage/al - high damage/al and vice versa), by Rarity color (white-blue-purple-gold), etc.
Also, for crafting materials, allow people to sell stacks of items, perhaps in 10, 50, and 100:
So you would see listed:
Raw Cloth (349 in stock)
10 Raw Cloths (213 in stock)
50 Raw Cloths (98 in stock)
100 Raw Cloths (4 in stock)